ld Mining Journal: Zijin Heads for the Eastern ldfields in WAFrom ld Mining Journal Two Chinese groups that have already taken up positions in WA's Eastern ldfields -- Shandong ld and Zijin Mining. Shandong owns 49 per cent of the cashed-up Kalorlie ld producer Focus Minerals, while Zijin now controls the operator of the Paddington ld project near Kalorlie, Norton ld Fields. Zijin believes its mining expertise and technical strengths will benefit production...2013/07/24
Mining Weekly: Nkwe, Zijin Mining Join Forces to Develop Garatau ProjectFrom Mining Weekly.com South Africa-focused platinum developer Nkwe Platinum has signed an agreement with China’s Zijin Mining to jointly develop the flagship Garatau project. The ASX- and JSE-listed Nkwe said on Monday that, under the terms of the agreement, Zijin, through a wholly owned subsidiary, would invest some A$20-million in Nkwe through a placement of three-year convertible bonds. Subjec...2013/05/02
Zijin Mining Purchases ld Mine in AustraliaFrom ChinaScope Financial Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. (02899: HKG; 601899: SHA) announced that on April 17, 2013, its Australia-based subsidiary Norton ld Fields Ltd. (Norton) had signed transaction agreements with Kalorlie Mining Co., Ltd. (KMC), an Australian mining company, to acquire all the total issued shares of KMC via a friendly off-market takeover offer. Every share of KMC will be swappe...2013/04/22
Xinhua net: Zijin donates RMB 1.5 billion and obtains China Charity Awards three times in the past decadeOn 03 July 2010, Zijinshan Copper Mine hydro-metallurgical plant had an incident of leakage of acidic copper solution, causing substantial water pollution to Ting River and death to some artificial breeding fishes in the fishery cages downstream. Zijin Mining not only suffered a heavy economic loss by this incident, but also faced a serious challenge of reputation damage. What did Zijin do to cont...2012/07/13